He’s a quote from him, on The Agenda regarding the Wentegate.

“It’s not Darn Trends. It’s not Darn Internet [that caused Wente’s plagiarism]. We’re talking about a specific thing here…. It’s not so much the  [Wente] response, but is the Globe [and Mail] okay? And this brings up questions about the Globe that needs to be addressed. Why is their public editor a Globe and Mail lifetime employee? Other places don’t do that. The CBC ombudsman is an outsider, the NYT public editor represents the reader. It is very hard to do that job effectively if you have lifetime careers relationships with the entire newsroom. How deeply do you want to dig, I guess is the question? Because we may see some uncomfortable things we don’t want to talk about. There are cultures in Canadian media of entitlement and hubris and cronyism and some nepotism. There some ugliness here. There’s stuff here we don’t talk about in the field because we want to play nicely with each other.”

This is probably not completely accurate, but this is essentially what he said.

This perfectly supplements my post on this whole affair.

By Oh

Progressive Bloggers // Blogues progressistes