The last word on rec facilities…

Does anyone realize that had council gone ahead with the recommendation to do a market sounding back in May when it had the chance, on Monday night it would have the chance to compare apples with apples.
Instead, we’re comparing apples with… well, something that aren’t quite apples.
Just one question… one question to put it into some sort of perspective. Councillor Keith Hull will probably be the one to ask it, but it would be preferable if he didn’t… and put other councillor in the position to ask it, because it is a question that demands to be – and answered – in front of the public…
And it’s thus:
The current operating losses for the municipal pool are $30,000 for a facility that operates three months of the year. Operating 12 months, what will be the operating costs then…
If the question can’t be answered, then council must defer the discussion until it can be answered…
That would be the fiscally-responsible thing to do…