Tasha Keirridin embraces the Daddy State

Tasha Keirridin is a frightened woman. She is terrified of everyday life. She wants a man around to protect her from the inconveniences of life, the petty criminals and especially the big bad Muslim men with big black beards.

What Tasha needs is a pipe-smoking, clean-shaven, cardigan-wearing daddy to put his proverbial arms around her, protect her from the hooligans outside her door and soothe her fears. That man is Stephen Harper.

Personally, I’d like to see some more law and order in this country. I’d like to have seen the police take a real stand against the hockey rioters in Vancouver. I’d like to see cyclists get more than a ticket when they mow down elderly pedestrians on the sidewalk. I’d like to see people who defend themselves against criminals not have to defend their own actions in court — while their assailants get a mere slap on the wrist. And I’d like to see terrorists locked up, preferably before they take out legions of innocent people. Apparently I am not alone, since the federal Tories’ platform went over well with a public tired of feeling helpless in the face of random acts of violent crime.

You see for all the bawling from conservatives like Keirridin about a ‘Nanny State’, they want something far more insidious. They want a male-dominated, strong-armed daddy figure to take care of them. You know to protect her from deranged cyclists and drunken youths.

Forget that violent crime has greatly diminished in Canada over the last decade. But that’s just facts. Fear overcomes rationality. Keirridin wants something more like south of the border, where a huge percentage of the country is behind bars. Where law and order rules and personal freedoms are the work of the devil.

Funny though, what she really, really fears the most are Muslims. Just like Stephen Harper told her to.