Sun’s Mark Bonokoski satirizes own network. Wait, that’s not satire. Oh my. UPDATED.

In light of Mr. Bonokoski’s cry for civility from the left in a Sun column yesterday, here’s a post from last month that puts his whine into a little perspective (and no, this is not from The Onion). I’ve changed the title to match my tweet for the post. Plus it’s the long weekend; nobody’s reading blogs so I may as well have a little fun.

I’m stealing this directly from Dan Gardner. It’s too perfect to leave on the Twitter floor.

This video defines ‘blowhard’ – Mark Bonokoski in a jealous rage over the attention given to Jack Layton on his passing. These guys just can’t stand a lefty taking up media space they feel they alone deserve to occupy. It’s driving. them. insane.

P.S. A bit of trivia for Beatles fans – the walrus was Mark.

P.S.S. Don’t forget to follow the link to the youtube video and leave a comment for the uploader, the nice Mr. Blazingcatfur. (Be nice – he thinks this is serious stuff.)