Just the facts ma’am

So late yesterday Team Hughie wannabe Ian Rab and Myrna Driedger pecked out this little <140 character missive on the tweeter.

 ”NDP buying votes with you| Winnipeg Sun http://t.co/DrFapIz”

 OK, so it’s a link to a Winnipeg Scum article about the plethora of government announcements over the past while.

Now, the article that was being championed by Ian and Myrna makes the claim that the government is being unethical because they made 54 announcements from June 5, 2011 to July 5, 2011 and the total cost of those announcements is ~$1.08 Billion.  And, that this amount of announcements is triple the usual number.  Hence, bad, bad NDP.

The article does note that ~$316 Million, or one third of the spend is related to flood compensation.

The thing about governments, is that they do stuff.  And, when they do stuff, they announce the stuff that they do.  Well, at least the good stuff, or stuff that they want people to know about. 

Stuff like, a comprehensive flood compensation programme, a program to increase the number of doctors, a tax cut, more police officers, etc, etc.

Stuff like, we tried to bribe someone to take votes away from you so we could steal the election, we have a consultant working on the privatization of your telephone system, or, we are going to privatize hyrdo…well, notsomuch.

By championing the article, Ian and Myrna are saying that those programmes and services are not needed.  Afterall, if the government does develop and deliver a service, that service is of no use if no one knows about it.

But, this does fit into the agenda of Team  McFadyen.  Hugh is committed to balancing the Budget on a year-over basis.  Due to the economic shit storm that has been travelling the world, that would have meant $450 Million in cuts to programmes and services.  Alternatively, McFadyen could have increased taxes by $450 Million, or done a combination thereof.

Think about that for a second.

At $100,000 per year a pop, that would equal the sacking of about 4,500 nurses, or police officers; and we know that cops and nurses are on the McFadyen hit list. 

Yet.  Here we have Hugh saying that he would hire more nurses. waitwhat?


He’s got this Christine O’Donell type, “I am not a witch” commercial running where Hugh say’s that we would hire more nurses!  This from the dude who won’t even admit that the previous Tory government here I Manitoba sacked  more than a thousand nurses.  Yet here’s Hugh talking about hiring more nurses.

Like Gary Filmon, Hugh also promises not to privatize one of our Crown Corporations.  This time Hugh promises not to privatize Manitoba Hydro.  As we all remember, it was Hugh McFadyen’s mentor, Gary Filmon who pronmised during the 1995 election that he would not privatize MTS, and we all know how that ended. Yeah.  Gary Filmon’s close friends not only made literally millions off the sale of MTS, but Gary Filmon was appointed to the Board of Directors for MTS in 2003.

Yet, aside from being Senior Policy Advisor to Gary Filmon, and Chief of Staff for Gary Filmon, the only other job experience that Hugh McFadyen has is when he worked on the privatization of Ontario for Mike Harris!

That’s why I like just the facts.

Most excellently done.

Stylish, topical and to the point.

All we hear from Team McFadyen is, must balance budget.  must balance budget.  must balance budget.  must balance budget.

Then we have McFadyen saying that he would hire more nurses AND not privatize Hydro.

Yet we have his candidates championing cuts and then there’s the Budgetary panacea of selling Hydro and makin all mah dreams come true.

And now they want us to believe that wouldn’t throw flood victims under the bus along with the rest of us.


not buyin it.