Hugh wants a “do-over”?

Today’s Freep has a piece by Dan Lett in it about how Hugh McFadyen and his team are “holding their fire” in this “pre-writ” period.

I say, “pre-writ” period, because McFadyen has been campaigning for the past two years.  This notion that Team Hughie is somehow just sitting back and working on their election infrastructure runs contrary to what is actually currently happening, and more importantly, what has been happeneing for the past several years.

The fact is, McFadyen has just been flopping around for the past several years trying to glom on to any, and every issue in his attempt to garner favour with the media and the voters.

Hugh may want to wipe the slate clean and hope that the media and Manitobans don’t readily recall his positions on the issues that affect our lives.  But, this ain’t a game of Monoply and when you’re running for Premier, “do-overs” are not allowed.

Hugh has gone from ***cue William Shatner *** Must.  Balance.  Budget.  At.  All.  Cost., to *** cue George Clooney *** – “I want to hire more Nurses”.

Sure Hugh.  You won’t even admit that the government, in which you served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Premier (Gary Filmon) sacked more than a thousand nurses.  AND, then just this past January, the Party which you head targetted Health Care, Corrections, Education and Public Safety for Budget cuts!

And now you stand before us saying you want to hire more nurses………you want a “do-over”?

What about your promise to double the population of Manitoba?

Or take Manitoba off of Equalization?

Or your desire to move Manitoba Hydro to charging market rates?

These are the issues that you have been advocating for.

Here we are a eMinus 78 and you now want a “do-over”?

Good luck with that.