Coren Seems To Think We, Progressives, Are ‘Sewers’ And Please Let’s Not Forget The Victims of The Senseless Tragedy in Norway and May They Never Lose Their Resolve

Jymn published the vile and despicable blogging of Michael ‘cue-ball’ head Coren, earlier today; that miserable blog where he seems to imply that those Norwegian victims seemed to deserve what happened to them.  Now, in Coren’s comment section, Coren seems to be calling those of us who dare to criticize him or anyone progressive minded, or anyone, well, sane, for that matter, ‘sewers’ (h/t  @canadiancynic).

Go to Tarek Fatah’s twitter feed if you dare. He appears to be disappointed that Muslim Jihadists were not involved in the Norwegian bombing/mass shooting.

Just when I think the far right of Canada and the US can’t get more hateful, redneckish or wingnutty, sure enough, they prove me wrong and exceed their expectations.

I have to wonder, what if this tragedy were the handy work of Al-Qaeda, or some other terrorist group from the Middle-East? Would they still be implying that the Norwegian victims deserved this somehow? Probably, only, it would be more of a big “I told you so” kinda deal.  But there would definitely be much more condemnation for the perpetrators.

This time around, from what I’ve seen from Twitter and right winged blogs, I’m seeing stupid arguments like there’s only “one Christian extremist” and “thousands of Muslim terrorists”

I get this sick feeling that the far right is simply beside themselves because the right wing  revolution of sorts that has been happening in recent years in Europe and in North America has had a kink put into it recently by the recent events like Murdochgate and now the Norwegian massacre. How sick! So?  Does  this mean they should let Anders Breivik go free and still play “Hunt the Jihadists”. Simply ignore the facts and go after what suits them? It wouldn’t be the first time for Conservatives to engage in such insanity. Yes, reality and truth do have its’ inconveniences for the far right Islamophobes, don’t they? I guess accepting facts for what they are is out of the question, ain’t it?

When all else fails,  buffoons like Coren and his ilk refer to folks like us as ‘sewers’. Go ahead, cue-ball, if that’s what helps you live with yourself. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!

Yeesh, never mind Al-Qaeda and the big bad Tamil Tigers, and those 30 alleged war criminals when we have Canada’s far right.  As Dr Dawg says, Conservatism isn’t a politics-it’s a diagnosis. It’s a wonder these fools walk around loose without a helmet.

In the midst of all this anger, posturing on both sides, we should not forget the victims of this senseless tragedy.  The young victims of  the Norwegian Labour Party Youth wing camp who were killed and injured simply for their political beliefs, most likely.

While today’s youth in Canada can’t even be bothered to vote, the youth of Norway are actually have civic involvement in their country. While our youth, for the most part, spend their summers playing video games or splashing around at a pool, many Norweigian youngsters spend summers at a camp, aspiring to play a large role in the political future of their country.  I only wish our youth can follow their example and have civic involvement of some kind.  It is also my greatest wish that the youth who survived, when they are healed from their physical and emotional scars, that they continue their civic involvement.

Here was Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg’s comment last night:

“You will not destroy us. You will not destroy our democracy and our ideals for a better world,” he said.

“We are a small nation and a proud nation. No one will bomb us to silence. No one will shoot us to silence. No one will ever scare us from being Norway. This evening and this night, we will take care of each other, comfort each other, talk to each other, and stand together.

“We must never stop standing up for our values.”

Stoltenberg said Norway’s answer to violence is more democracy, “but not more naiveté.”

Wow! What? No McCarthyist paranoia? No batten down the hatches? Close the borders? And other such measures to keep its’ citizens scared?  Hear that US and Canada?  I thought not.  I also hope the citizens of Norway  listen to their PM’s message.  I also hope the PM resists all urges to go McCarthyist as I’m sure they’re will be other world leaders who will no doubt, attempt to convince to take on that attitude.