The Sean Salvati #G20 video: Abu Ghraib comes to Toronto

So apparently it takes three big strong police officers to manhandle one guy. Naked and handcuffed.

Don’t know whether this is before or after they beat the shit out of him.

And please, spare us the pathetically transparent bullshit about security. There’s absolutely no goddamned reason in the world for him to be stripped naked other than humiliation, psychological torture, debasement and power-tripping. The idea that people capable of treating another human being like this are walking around with guns and the legal right to use deadly force is mind-numbing. This isn’t Baghdad, mind.

What’s particularly awful about the video is how blasé they all are about it. Like it’s normal.

Not one cop in the video seems the least bit troubled by it. I’ll bet not one cop on the entire fucking force is even slightly uncomfortable with such a gross and disgusting scene. And these moral dishrags spend every spare moment whining to each other about how misunderstood and underappreciated they are.

The Toronto Police, ladies and gentlemen. Either they’re pulling shit like this themselves or they’re looking the other way while their buddies do it. It’s crystal clear that there’s no one with the stones to do anything about it.

Fuck you, officers.

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