Breaking! Ann Coulter Actually Suggests Something Semi-Intelligent!

Yes, I will probably need brain bleach for having suggested the idea, but honestly, I think the she/he devil in a cocktail dress may be on to something here!

“I would prefer for Republicans to hide who they are running for President and only announce it like a month before the election, so you don’t have time for the entire mainstream media to belittle, attack, ridicule and demonize whomever our candidate is.”

Aww, but Ann! Where would we get our entertainment? Sarah, the historian? Michele Bachman who can’t tell the difference between John Wayne and John Wayne Gacy, Tim Pawlentey who doesn’t or didn’t know the reason why he wanted to be pres (maybe he’s figured it out since?), Rick Santorum with his google, abortion and dog-peeing problems, Newt who keeps sticking it in his mouth? I mean, the thrills, chills and spills keep a comin’. The popcorn’s been made.  Ann, you sure know how to be a killjoy.