New Resolution: A Resolution Regarding the Prevention of Cancer

A Resolution Regarding the Prevention of CancerProposed by Ken Ranney, Peterborough, OntarioDate: 24/05/11Whereas we are currently facing an epidemic of cancer and other diseases whose cause is unknown; andWhereas a study by McGill University Health Centre has shown that “women living in the areas with the highest levels of [traffic-generated] air pollution were almost twice as likely to develop breast cancer as those living in the least polluted areas”;andWhereas such studies are almost unheard of in capitalist society, which is reluctant to investigate areas which might interfere with profit.Therefore be it resolved that the {Socialist Party of Ontario}, whether in or out of power, will encourage studies which will compare the prevalence of cancer and other diseases which have no identified cause and no cure with exposure to traffic-generated air pollution, radiation, chemicals in food, water and air, proximity to industrial plants and other factors, so that the cause of each disease can be identified and eliminated.If you have a resolution to propose for the convention this Saturday, May 28th, please email it to