I for one welcome our new Conservative Overlords

Well, just think about it for a moment.

No more crime.

The Conservatives have promised to “get tough on crime”.

Now that they have their Majority, there are no more excuses.  Given that they are men of their word, I expect crime to cease and desist.  Be gone, kind of like the BQ.  It was the Conservatives that brought us the BQ, and it was the NDP that obliterated them.  Hmmmmm.  Kind of like coming and cleaning up Tory financial do-do’s.

Then there is the whole government waste thing.

I know that the Conservatives are so good at managing that my good friends at the Canadian Alleged taxpayers Federation will fold up shop and get real jobs.  Afterall, spending $70 Billion on fancy assed airplanes……. well those are necessary to protect us from the Islamofacist Universal Global Domination League of Super Duper Ultra Evil. Wait, what?  Oh, right, I forgot the Canadian alleged Taxpayers Federation will still be needed to schill for corporate tax breaks.  Wonder how much Suncor is in for this year?  Looks like yer safe there Colin – no EI for you!

Oh well, I’m sure that the Conservatives will instill the apparent missing work ethic here in Manitoba by cutting off Equalization.   Really.  If Alberta has Oil, Saskatchewan has Oil and Potash, BC has forestry, Mining and Trade, and, until recently Ontario had manufacturing and geographical proximity, Manitoba has, well, fuck you welfare bums, find a job.  No Equalization for you.

Ditto for Health Care funding.  Seriously.

And the Stock Markets.

We all know that those wonderful people who brought us collateralized debt obligations will jump to the pump and flood Canada with their money and financial wizardry.  yeeeaaaahhhhh, not startin out so well now is it?