reflections and projections

And ye, who have met with Adversity’s blast, And been bow’d to the earth by its fury; To whom the Twelve Months, that have recently pass’d Were as harsh as a prejudiced jury – Still, fill to the Future! and join in our chime, The regrets of remembrance to cozen, And having obtained a New Trial of Time, Shout in hopes of a kindlier dozen. ~Thomas Hood

As the year comes mercifully to its end I find myself feeling almost a little excited to begin once again. In years past I found this whole season a big downer…maybe it is the lack of sunlight or maybe it was the overwhelming stress of the biggest day of the year that sucked up all the precious bodily fluids…and what little money there was and then in a blink of an eye was over…but the letdown…So what began as stress turned into disappointment and then blossomed into a big hairy canary bout of desolation…and why? Well there is the feeling that another year bit the dust and just what did you accomplish? Yes bringing in the New Year was always one of deep meloncholy for it symbolized that time had marched on and there I was in the same nowhere spot or maybe even in a worse no where spot…This year I feel different…and it could be the vitamin D I have been popping to get my sunshine…it could be that I have accepted the situation or it could be that the brain has limited memory and so is leaving the past and looking to the future. Or it could be that I have been feeling so crappy from another flu bug that caused such a congestion that I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t breathe and then went to the ears to cause vertigo so that the world tipped and swayed like I was a sailor with no sea legs and I really didn’t think about a whole lot…But I am ready to be positive…I am so ready to begin a new year with some hope and to find a balance of the mind-spirit and body…To help in the forward more positive thinking I am definitely going to need to make a list because it is just too darn easy to get in a rut and sit in the big comfy chair while waiting for some great thing to do…or to put off doing some great thing or even worse forgetting about the great thing. Yes I have found that living with post pole syndrome is one that is too easily distracted by nothing to do anything.planning is very important as you can see by this exerpt from good old wikipedia:

A plan can play a vital role in helping to avoid mistakes or recognize hidden opportunities. Preparing a satisfactory plan of the organization is essential. The planning know the business and that they have thought through its development in terms of products, management, finances, and most importantly, markets and competition.

Planning helps in forecasting the future, makes the future visible to some extent. It bridges between where we are and where we want to go. Planning is looking ahead.

So some of the plans for the new year:

  • walk a minimum of 4 days a week
  • Make a stained glass lamp
  • fulfill the role of Producer for the Memory of Water Play
  • read 8 books
  • try 30 new recipes
  • write at least two blog posts a week
  • go swimming at the public pool once
  • go bowling once

I can’t think of too much more. Now the thing about plans is you don’t want to put things in that are too unrealistic because then if you don’t complete the plan then you feel bad…and with this whole head case one never knows what will happen…so start small and if things go well I can always do more than what is on the list.

And what better way to end the year and begin the new one than by reflecting on how much I am blessed. I have been so lucky to have found such caring people who do so much to make life go easier…even if they don’t know it or think that all the little things they do really are not anything…yes little things do make a difference and that is something that should also go on the list…

  • say hi
  • give a compliment
  • be a friend

So here is to a Happy New Year to all may it be filled with Health, Happiness and Hugs!

Look well to this Day

For it is Life…

the very Best of Life!

In its brief course lie all

the Realities and Truths of Existence

the Joy of Growth!

the Splendour of Action!

the Glory of Power!

for Yesterday is but a memory

and Tomorrow is only a vision

but Today if lived well makes

every yesterday a Memory of Happiness

and every tomorrow a Vision of Hope

look well therefore to this day

(Ancient Sanskrit Poem)