Aries Blue Moon revisited

i see youAh, the Aries Blue Moon gathering on Friday night… it was a lovely time, as it turned out. Sweet rather than worldshaking, connective rather than shattering. If we’re evolving, Aries is the place it will show first. And to me, it did. Cardinal fire equals initiation of the spirit. Initiation can be deeply profound, but it needn’t be traumatic.

This Moon was very soft and deep, occurring in the 12th house, locally (Vancouver Island).

I myself (appropriate to use that wording now!) experienced a number of soft, sweet Arian breakthroughs.

One, the aforementioned full moon circle, which is the first of its kind that I have facilitated. It won’t be the last; there’s a full moon every month, and I mean to make this an ongoing space to create community.

Two, Events by Karmic Design, the new venture I’m participating in, back of Winds of Change. Many exciting connections being made!

Three, a dream I had that night. Before sleeping, I requested a revealing dream, one that would show the way to my primary path opening before me now. In Aries, it should be obvious. A big ‘duh’ in fact.

This is what I dreamed: I have just played a gig, and it has gone over very well indeed. I’m in a coffeeshop or gathering place, right after the show (the performance itself wasn’t part of the dream). There’s an excited buzz in the room, it seems to be centered around a collective sense of discovery… of me. I am the one being celebrated here.

I feel calm, grounded, humble, grateful and very, very ready. A man turns to me and asks, “So how does it feel to be getting pretty good?” I say, “It feels good.” Then the alarm rang.

And four, last but perhaps not least, I did a psychic reading for the first time with no cards or astrology, and it was a huge success, from my point of view and also the person I was reading. I felt amazed by how easy and clear the seeing was. A simple question of looking, as natural as opening my eyes. Now I feel a light has turned on inside me. Happy Aries Full Moon indeed! I am pleased to add psychic readings to my current offerings for any who are called to explore.

I’ve been told I tend toward TMI in my blog posts, have lost friendships over it, in fact. In the bright sweet light of the Aries Moon, I can accept that, with my Midheaven Gemini Mars, it’s actually my duty to the species, my primary mandate in fact (as Mars is opposed by Saturn, emphasizing and deepening the responsibility that Saturn and the 10th house represent).

My social responsibility is to write about myself, my thoughts, visions, stories, even my blah blah and perhaps especially my songs and poetry. It seems, according to my dream (if you place stock in such things, and I must) music is a path opening for me now. It does feel that way, actually. I feel ready for the first time. About the dream, ‘Pretty good’ feels like a graduation from ‘kind of suck’, emotionally speaking. I felt quite a lot more relaxed tonight singing than I have in the past, like, oh yes, I am a musician, it’s okay.

As for the TMI issue, the tightrope I need to walk in these postings is the fine thin line between self-revelation and being inappropriate, involving others. It’s so easy to be inappropriate, to trespass on another’s personal sovereign space. I have trespassed, I have been called inappropriate. Or hurtful, or mean, or careless. I am learning to be careful.

If I am told I am hurting another, then it is so, for the truth is, I believe what I am told. I trust my fellow humans, I feel a million loving hearts in each hard shell.
And when these human eggs get cracking
all who hate will be sent packing
and the shine of it will blind the eyes above
blind us all to anything but love
from ‘Voyager’, a poem
It is true, the perceptions of others are crucially important in these times, and radical trust is at hand. This is the song sung now by Saturn in Libra combined with Uranus moving into Aries. We must learn to listen to each other, to open to the minds, eyes and hearts of strangers, friends and enemies, dearly beloveds and deadly foes. To recognize our singularity as a species, if not as spirit. Join the herd, or join the choir, all must be welcome, or we are lost.

The enemy is always in my mind, no matter who I am; we’re all chasing ghosts (and being chased by them). In Aries, the first sign of the next phase of evolution, we are challenged (I am challenged, whoever I am) to notice that they are ghosts, and to notice what is real.

What is real?

Dreams r real. Pass it on.