B(l)ogged down…

I’m with zoom! in that I’ve been feeling kinda down lately. I’ve had tons of great ideas for blog posts, but I just haven’t been able to put it together. Even right now, I’m only writing because I feel obligated to write something, and so my blog doesn’t go totally stale and lose all my hard-earned readers (yes, that’s YOU, my special friends!).

So I hope you forgive me for a rather dry post. My only consolation is that I’m almost ready to make the jump to WordPress, which will hopefully be some inspiration to me. I really do like the flexibility they offer over Blogger — the only downside is that it will no longer be linked with my Google Account, which is a super-handy-dandy feature that I really like. But it’s so much easier to manage a blog on their site… so I’ll be making the switch soon. I’ll post it in huge letters on this website, plus all new posts will go to both websites for a couple of weeks until you all switch your feed readers/bookmarks etc.

I promise I’ll write Part Two of my essay on Portugal. But I didn’t really get much of a reader response? Did you guys like it? I know a lot of you lurk but I REALLY appreciate comments. When I don’t get any comments I feel like nobody is reading something worth talking about and it’s kind of deflating. Even if you just post a “Enjoyed it!” or something short, that would be awesome, just so I can see what you guys like, what topics to write about, etc. Plus, suggestions/discussions/moderated arguements are always encouraged.

I’ve been feeling more inspired in the music department recently. I miss playing music every day, and as I’ve mentioned before, it’s like a fire inside me that I need to let burn or else it’ll go out. It’s the single most theraputic thing I’ve ever done in my life. Luckily I get to play every Thursday at my art group, so I’ve been honing my piano skills, but I really need a guitar, because I’ve been churning out songs for the guitar.

Would you guys like me to post one of my songs on here sometime?