The Church Of Mothra - Home Of The Breakfast Mojito! ©: Facebook, Scrabble, Scrabulous: Hasbro Unwittingly Makes A Political Point

Dad was always ruining Family Games Night with unwelcome commentaries on economic theory… The ongoing cyberspace PR disaster over Scrabble on Facebook continues, and brings with it (unintentionally) an important point about political theory. Consider for a moment some of the traditional arguments used by conservatives/neocons/libertarians that any given government

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The Church Of Mothra - Home Of The Breakfast Mojito! ©: Facebook, Scrabble, Scrabulous: Hasbro Unwittingly Makes A Political Point

Dad was always ruining Family Games Night with unwelcome commentaries on economic theory… The ongoing cyberspace PR disaster over Scrabble on Facebook continues, and brings with it (unintentionally) an important point about political theory. Consider for a moment some of the traditional arguments used by conservatives/neocons/libertarians that any given government

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The Church Of Mothra - Home Of The Breakfast Mojito! ©: Do It Yourself Paranoia: Mothra Puts On The Onion Sombrero

You may have recently been exposed to a commercial for Coke Zero involving a disembodied tongue, eyeball, and brain, debating the merits of Coke Zero while a second tongue stands in the distance and watches…

No, this is not something that happened to me on LSD. It’s a real commercial.

The thing ends with the brain breaking up the tongue/eyeball debate. He threatens to make the tongue eat dirt, and ends with this very peculiar threat to the eyeball:

“You are going to have to wear the onion sombrero. All. Day. Long. Señor.”

I’ve seen the ad several times and I can confirm that yes, the brain does say “onion sombrero.” At first I wondered if this was some slang term I simply hadn’t heard before, like “Dirty Sanchez.”

I think I have uncovered the secret of The Onion Sombrero. I think Coke is trying to launch a meme. It’s a catchy phrase, and a Google search reveals that the phrase didn’t exist prior to the commercial. And hey, if Google can’t find something, it doesn’t exist, right?

Long-time readers of this blog may recall my ongoing attempts to find a corporate sponsor. Given the underwhelming response to my entreaties, I’ve decided to attach myself to this meme while it’s young… like a pilot fish attached to the Great White Shark of Coca-Cola’s marketing department.

Thanks in advance Coke… in exchange for your unintentional generosity, I promise I won’t mention that recent settlement where you paid out $137 million US to your shareholders regarding a little matter of stock price manipulation. Or at least I’ll keep it to a minimum.

Time to sit back and rake in the Google-fueled attention!

And if Google brought you here (just like all those fine people looking for “Kat Von D Naked”), please… feel free to check out the rest of my blog. Who knows… you may end up accidentally having a good time.

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